July 2, 2023

The Power of an imperfect Picture-Perfect Persona

Photo Tips & Tricks, Education

Greetings, business warriors! Did you know that a picture is worth a thousand sales? Okay, maybe not exactly a thousand, but you get the idea! Personal branding photography is the secret weapon to showcase your personality, values, and uniqueness to the world. It's like a visual business card that screams, "Hey, I'm awesome! Work with me!"

It is no longer about being picture perfect... It is no longer about keeping up with the Jones'es. Now a days it is all about showing up as YOU... in all your imperfect perfectness. Yes I made that term up. lol. Personal Branding Photography is a way to showcase that awesomeness.

Interested in images to share your story? Visit www.jwilsonpix.com to get more info, see samples and get on my calendar!